If I had to choose, autumn would probably be my favourite season! Crisp mornings, still a bit of warmth left in the air and soil (and my bones 😊), the return of hot chocolates and hearty food, the anticipation of Christmas (yes, I did indeed use the C word!) and nature getting ready for winter.
However, the start of this autumn has been really disappointing here in Norwich with torrential rain, flooding and only a handful of days with lovely weather. I know that supposedly "there is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing" but when the weather is really wet I don't feel like going out in the garden and getting soaked especially with little ones full of colds and coughs (yes, it is that time of the year too!!!).
Our outdoor garden activities have been limited, we have picked some of the final fruits and veggies left in the garden but not really planned for much outside. The pumpkins and squashes grown with SeedCell have done really well and now I need to 'cure' them. The girls have been eyeing the pumpkins for Halloween but I am conflicted as I'd really like to use them for cooking.....hopefully we'll find a good compromise there!!!
Instead, inside we have started growing some small round carrots and some SeedCell herbs. Over the summer I have kept many of the supermarket plastic fruit containers and I am using two very large ones for the carrots. The top one has got holes while the bottom one doesn't so acts as a dish to collect any extra water.
The girls are also trying out our WallyGrow planters (made of recycled plastic, ideal for those without much outdoor or indoor space to grow and planning to stock them from November) to grow some parsley and basil plants. They have chosen planters in orange and yellow and we have hung them low enough for them to be able to water them using a little stool.
We still have some edible flowers to seed and then plant in them too but the girls have not really been very engaged as they have been busy with homework, classes and playing.
The more time I spend gardening with the girls the more I realise that it is fairly easy to keep their interest alive in the spring/summer months when lots of things are growing, the days are longer and warmer, and they have more free time. Keeping them engaged in the autumn and winter will be an interesting challenge also because this is when my drive to be out there caring for my garden is at its lowest.
What are your plans to keep your gardening kid excited about growing during the autumn/winter months? Are you planting outdoors, indoor or even just pretend-play gardening?